Interviewing Timeline
1. Before the Interview:
- Know where the interview is ahead of time!
- Arrive 10 to 15 minutes early
- Bring a pen and a notebook to write down any important information. (You never know, you might get hired on the spot and your new boss may need you to remember or schedule some things.)
- Greet the interviewer with a smile and a firm handshake.
2. During the Interview:
- Always keep eye contact with the interviewer. If your eyes drift, it could show that you're not interested.
- Don't mumble, speak clearly.
- Sit up straight in your chair and don't fidget.
- When the interviewer is speaking, nod and smile. It shows how interested and enthusiastic you are.
- Never interrupt the interviewer while they are speaking.
3. The Interview is Over When:
- Interviewer asks if you have any questions.
- Interviewer stands up.
4. End of Interview:
- Shake hands firmly with interviewer.
- Thank the interviewer for the interview.
- Say that you look forward to hearing back from them.
- When you get home write a thank you letter to the interviewer.
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