Welcome to San Joaquin County WorkNet

We’re thrilled to introduce an amazing opportunity to support San Joaquin County businesses and earn rewards with the new Shop San Joaquin—Open Rewards Program! This program makes shopping locally even better by earning cashback on your purchases, turning every dollar spent into a dollar you get back.
That’s Right! Every dollar you spend shopping locally, you get a dollar back, up to $50 per transaction.
Download the “Open Rewards” app, and once you sign up, you’ll get $25 to redeem at local businesses for cashback!
Learn how the app works and more at our Shop San Joaquin Website!
For your safety and the safety of our staff, we are asking clients to access services on-line.
Below are direct links to our WorkNet Orientation Video, along with our
"Welcome to WorkNet" client service packet.
Below is a link to our Individualized Career Services Survey. Please read the instructions carefully and provide all required information so that we can accurately assess eligibility.
If you have any questions about the survey application, please contact us at info@sjcworknet.org
If you are unable to electronically fill out or print this packet, please call us at (209) 468-3660 for assistance. You will be contacted within 24 hours to complete the applicaiton over the phone.
We support youth and young adults aged 16 to 24 across San Joaquin County who encounter substantial barriers to succeeding in the labor market. Our aim is to provide resources and support to help them transition into self-sufficient adulthood.
Here are some of our services:
- Career exploration
- Job readiness workshops
- Education and training guidance
- Job seeking services
- Paid work experience
Does this sound like something you’d be interested in? If so, here’s how to get started.
COMPLETE STEPS 1-3 by following the links below:
Step 1: Watch the WorkNet Youth Orientation Video »
Step 2: Complete the WorkNet Youth Interest Form »
Step 3: Register on CalJOBs »
(Click here for our registration guide)
Once you’ve completed all 3 steps, you will receive a phone call from a Case Manager. If you have any issues or concerns, please contact us at Front Desk: (209) 468-3660, Text Line: (209)-299-7395.
- Explore career options and find one that fits you well!
- Learn how to get the job you want and keep it!
- Get 300 hours of paid work experience that you can list on your resume!
You can apply for the Summer Training & Employment Program for Students if you meet the following eligibility requirements:
» You are a currently enrolled high school student not graduating before the Summer of 2024, OR…
» You are graduating from high school soon and have written proof that you’ve been accepted to an adult school, a training program, a college or university in the Fall of 2024, AND…
» You are covered by either a current IEP, a 504 Plan, a college accommodations plan or can provide other written proof of a disability from your doctor or therapist.
Click here to view & print the STEP Program Application Packet »
Let's Get You Back To Work!
If you were recently laid off from your job, we have programs specifically designed for you. We invite you to our Stockton WorkNet Center to attend an orientation that will provide information about available training, EDD Services, re-employment services and much more.
Questions? Call Belinda Petate-Chan at (209) 468-3584
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Stockton Business Resource Guide
10 Steps To Successfully Starting A Business In The City Of Stockton.
Published by the City of Stockton’s Economic Development Department and North-Eastern California Small Business Development Center - San Joaquin Delta College.
Click here to download the guide »
Veteran Services Available Here
San Joaquin County WorkNet and the Economic Development Department are working together to ensure that you are aware of the services and programs that are available to you as a veteran.
Did you know there are programs designed to aid veterans with their employment and job training? Did you know that eligible veterans are entitled to receive priority services in job referrals and in training, as well as many other employment related services? Did you know that veterans with disabilities receive the highest priority in all employment services?
Are you ready to find out more?
Find more information about our veteran services and resources by clicking here!
You can also visit the San Joaquin County WorkNet Center in Stockton and let them know you are there to learn more about services available to veterans.
You served your country - now let us serve you!
Come in today to get pre-registered for this workshop and learn more about the services that are available to you!!
Business Resources in San Joaquin County
San Joaquin County Economic Development Association
The San Joaquin County (California) Economic Development Association in cooperation with the Employment and Economic
Development Department, Chambers of Commerce and local governments, is a "One-Stop" business resource committed to
meeting the needs of development prospects, local businesses and the community. EDA's goal is to encourage and assist
business development in San Joaquin County.
San Joaquin County Revolving Loan Fund
Revolving Loan Fund Services offered through the San Joaquin WorkNet's Business Finance
Services Division are available to any company located in, or considering expansion in, San Joaquin County and are intended to create or retain jobs.
www.sjcworknet.org/bus-financing.asp »
iHub San Joaquin:
iHub San Joaquin is one of California's newest innovation hubs and is part of a network of innovation hubs
in California that are tasked with accelerating economic activity. iHub is linking technology leaders, entrepreneurs,
investors, and educational institutions through a variety of programs and services.
Do you have an idea or business plan? iHub can help you refine your ideas and introduce you to potential investors, and provide a forum to introduce your idea or product to the market. Visit their site today to learn more!
EDD's Labor Market Information Division (LMID)The EDD's Labor Market Information Division (LMID) regularly reports statewide and local employment and unemployment data, economic development and planning information; industry and occupational characteristics, trends, and wage information; and social and demographic information.
LMID data can be used extensively for:
- Business and financial forecasting.
- Economic development and human resource planning.
- Monitoring labor force, industry, and economic trends.
- Planning and development of training programs.
- Public services program development and administration.
- Career exploration.
- Geographic planning for industry and business expansion
- Local labor market research.
- Wage and compensation administration.
- Occupational skills and qualifications identification.
- Public policy development.
- Strategic and long-term planning.
- Real estate investment evaluation.
For more information, check out www.labormarketinfo.edd.ca.gov »