The San Joaquin County Workforce Development Board

It is the mission of the Workforce Development Board to take the leadership role in...
Bringing together the resources of the community to help job seekers find the right jobs and help employers meet their business needs.

WDB Meeting - May 22, 2024

Workforce Development Board Meeting Schedule

Month Date / Location
February February 28, 2024
March March 27, 2024
May May 22, 2024
July July 24, 2024
August 28, 2024
October October 23, 2024
*November/December December 18, 2024 (*November/December board meeting will be combined)

Workforce Development Board Links

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (PDF) »

WIOA Local & Regional Plans

2021 Local Appointment List

Click to View (PDF) »

Workforce Development Board Agenda & Minutes Archive

Two Primary Responsibilities

Provide employment and training opportunities and services to the job seekers in San Joaquin County

Support the Business community by helping business access available resources and services that will promote business growth and increase employment opportunity.

Role and Responsibilities

Develop and modify the 5-year local plan. »

Select Operators and Service Providers.

  • Negotiate performance measures
  • Approve budgets
  • Set policies and direction

Workforce Development Board

15 Business Representatives
14 Partners
29 Voting Members


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WDB Ad Hoc Committees

  • Executive Committee
  • Accountability Committee
  • Apprenticeship Committee
  • Business Development Committee
  • Planning Committee
  • Staff Training Committee
  • WorkNet System Committee
  • Youth Committee

Workforce Development Board Members

  • Julian Sepulveda, 1st District Business
  • Diane Vigil, 2nd District Business
  • Terry L. Givens, 3rd District Business
  • Vacant, 4th District Business
  • Linda Wilcox, 5th District Business
  • Henry Peralta, At-Large Business
  • Lisa Craig, At-Large Business
  • Gene Acevedo, At-Large Business
  • Les Fong, At-Large Business
  • Tony Mannor, At-Large Business
  • Sylvia Sanchez, At-Large Business
  • Robin Sanborn, At-Large Business
  • Vacant, At-Large Business
  • Mayra Cuevas, At-Large Business
  • Jose Hernandez, At-Large Business
  • Foung Ly, Probation
  • Vacant, Labor Organizations
  • Raul Hernandez, Labor Organizations
  • Robert Gutierrez, Economic & Community Development
  • Michael Mark, Labor Organizations
  • Gorgina L Halaufia, Labor Organizations
  • Greg Vincelet, Labor Organizations
  • Vacant, Education & Training
  • Dr. Troy Brown, Youth Organization Representation
  • Vacant, Adult Education & Literacy
  • Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson, Education
  • LaChelle Adams, Employment Development
  • Mahalia Gotico, Vocational Rehabilitation Programs
  • Christopher Woods, Human Services Agency
  • Steve Jackson, San Joaquin County Probation
  • Jose J. Dominguez, Community Based Organization